Through the social projects that it supports and contributes, FORTES improves the quality of life of the people involved, seeking to reduce social inequalities and expand access to basic rights and services. Are they:

The Yes, Eu Quero Doar Campaign is Fortes’ program for donating food baskets to employees. Fortes makes the food basket available to the employee, who makes the donation to a person or family known or not, who is in need of support to survive with a minimum of dignity, or a charity institution or a non-governmental organization (NGO) or a group volunteers or church, who are participating in this stream of work and solidarity.

The Aquecendo Vidas program, makes donations of blankets in the locations where Fortes operates, to social projects that serve homeless people and charities that shelter needy people and vulnerable to the cold, also makes it available to employees to donate to people who they need warm clothing and cannot afford to buy their blanket.

McDia Feliz is the largest campaign in the country on behalf of children and adolescents undergoing cancer treatment. On that day, all Big Mac sales made at McDonald’s restaurants across the country (except for some taxes) are destined for institutions that welcome children and teenagers with cancer.

The Wild Animal Reintroduction Center (Cereias) reintroduces animals seized by Ibama and the Environmental Police into their habitat.

The Preservarte Institute develops projects that include violin lessons and professional lutery education.

The Capixaba Against Children’s Cancer Association (Acacci) offers children and teenagers with cancer, as well as their families, a comprehensive care program.

The Social Idolo Project serves children and teenagers free of charge in the basketball modality, promoting social inclusion, integral development and the formation of the spirit of citizenship through sport.

Fortes Engenharia is a socially responsible company, we seek to put into practice actions that promote benefits for society and the environment. If you have or know any social project, get in touch with us to share experiences and propose partnerships. On the “Contact Us” tab, directed to the “Communication” sector.